Thursday, 7 February 2013

Website Builder Tutorials: How to Add Social Bookmarking

Frequently when you read an article on a website such as the BBC you’ll see a series of icons or buttons along the bottom of the article. Beside these icons it will usually say something like ‘add this’ or ‘bookmark this’ or ‘share this. In fact, you will see a version of a ‘share this’ button below every post in this blog.
If you press any of these they automatically add a ‘public bookmark’ for this article into a bookmarking service. A ‘public boomark’ is a page on the Internet where you can show people all the websites and articles that you think are good, and worth visiting. Its like saying, ‘I bookmarked this because I think its its good, why don’t you have a look.
Popular bookmarking services include Delicious, Digg, Reddit, and Stumbleupon. Because you’re effectively recommending a website using these bookmarks, they have the potential to push visitors to the website, because people may well follow those links. So when you’re building a website its a good idea to add these bookmarking services, as it is an easy way people can bookmark – and therefore recommend - your site.

Social Bookmarking tool Delicious tutorial 2013

Why do you want to use Social Bookmarking for your business? To have another way for people to find you – don’t be shy – you need some exposure, so to speak. In this video I cover the Social Bookmarking tool It’s easy peasy and will give you some good links to your site.

Ultimate Guide to Delicious Social Bookmarking 2013

My favorite social media tool is social bookmarking service Delicious.  I’ve always been an avid researcher and Delicious allows me to discover, save, organize and share information that I find online like no other service.  It’s the engine of many of the blog posts I put together.
Delicious is an especially good tool for marketers. Not only are is it an excellent tool for research and data mining, but it can also be a great vehicle for driving website traffic- articles that make it to the popular page(s) of Delicious can deliver large amounts of traffic to a website.
The bookmarking feature of Delicious when compared to social news sites such as Digg and Stumbleupon can also lead to a steadier flow of traffic and repeat traffic over time as people return to pages they have bookmarked on Delicious.
In this post, I’ve pulled together a very comprehensive collection of tutorials, advice, resources, tips and tools to help you use Delicious to enhance your marketing, research and other business objectives.  There’s a special section just for marketers.
You can visit my Delicious account and join my network on Delicious to tap into my social bookmarking activity. If you like this post, be sure to bookmark it on Delicious!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Advanced SEO Keyword Research Tips and Ideas!

This post is for anyone who is an SEO, Online Marketer, Domain Name Buyer or PPC in general and does keyword research using the Google Keyword Tool. Don't get me wrong -- keyword research is a very important aspect for SEO and if you do not do it correctly you can make a huge mistake by targeting your whole SEO campaign around specific keywords which are not all that correct. Some times the data can leave you a bit angry when you compare it with other real time sources or more accurate PPC data.
I have decided to do a bit of a write up how you can use incorporate some more advanced elements into your keyword research process, rather than just having the standard keyword with search volume. I would like online marketers to start thinking differently about how you gather your keyword research data. Sure enough I am sure many savvy SEOs have already incorporated some of the elements I am going to talk about in the post.
Step 1 - Selecting The Keywords!
Finding out which keywords you want to utilize for your keyword research, can be a long process especially when you are working with e-commerce clients, some ways in which you can speed up the process include:
  • Looking at what keywords competitors are targeting.
  • Gathering a list of products and categories from your client.
  • Talking to internal stake holders in the business and gathering ideas such as copy writers.
  • Looking at the current site structure.
  • Using search engine auto suggest scrapers to find related keywords.
  • Taking ideas from Google Keyword Tool.
  • Using other keyword research tools such as Wordtracker.
Step 2 - Sorting The List In Google Keyword Tool!
OK, so you have worked out the keywords in which you wish to target. Now the next step head over to the Google Keyword Tool.
For my example I will be using the following example:
Market: Australia
Keywords: Fashion Related Page
I will be targeting the following keywords for a new page I am creating:
  1. online fashion
  2. plus size fashion
  3. fashion clothing
  4. fashion clothes
  5. fashion online
  6. ladies fashion
  7. mens fashion
  8. australian fashion online
  9. fashion accessories
  10. fashion stores online
  11. guys fashion
  12. girls fashion
  13. men's fashion
  14. women's fashion
Now do the following:
  1. Sign into the Google Keyword Tool and make sure you log into your Google account. You would be surprised how data is different from beeing logged in and logged out.
  2. Copy and paste in the keyword you have selected.
  3. Make sure you select [Exact] match type.
  4. Select your region (for me I will be selecting Australia) then select the devices you wish to scan.

click for larger view
Now once you have done the above, do the following:
  1. The key area to look at is the Local Monthly Searches, unless you are targeting a global brand.
  2. Be sure to monitor the keyword ideas section.
  3. Click download as CSV for excel.

click for larger view
Step 3 - Adding In Some Keyword Difficulty Scores From SEOmoz!
Open up the fantastic SEOmoz keyword difficulty tool here: place the keywords for which you will get the competitive data. If you don't use SEOmoz then try out Market Samurai, though after recently API updates with Yahoo it has run into some trouble.

Now take all the numbers above and place them in a text file which you can copy across to your excel csv file you are building.
An extra keyword research blog post worth looking at is by Jahn an up and coming SEO who I have been managing for 12 months he has more keyword research basics here:
Step 4 - Adding In Some Social Media Data!
Another advanced idea with keyword research is adding in social media data into your keyword list, it can provide extra information for your keyword list.
I used the three following tools for my social media analysis:
  1. Buzzmetrics by Nielson: Buzz Metrics (Paid)
  2. Topsy: (Free)
  3. Social Mention: (Free)
You can also use other tools such as Radian 6 (Paid)
Buzz metrics data was already tracking Australian related websites which we have used for the fashion niche. Data from Topsy and Social Mention is more focused on US data I have decided to use Buzzmetrics for my social data. If you are in the USA it would be advisable to check out Topsy and Social Mention or Radian 6. Once you have scanned all the websites you will be able to see mentions data per keyword be sure to refine your search data from social monitoring tools as it can easily become skewed out.

Topsy data is another fantastic source of information for social sharing data. It is advisable to use the "Advanced Search" field.

Social Mention is another great free social monitoring tool. It is advisable to use the Advanced Search section.

Step 5 - Adding In Your Paid Search Data!
The great thing about working with paid search teams is that you have paid search data at your fingertips to use, you can have impression data for specific keywords, CTR data and also conversion data if you are selling products. You can easily match up the data with a vlookup in Excel.
Step 6 - Your Excel Template!
Now your excel file should be gathering some extra fields and you should have some extra data, an example of what you will see is as below. Now my next step is to color in the various keyword which match what you want to target, for example I do not want to target any keywords which have higher than 45 keyword difficulty in SEOmoz and also below 350 exact monthly searches. You can set rules in excel to do this step quickly.

Also you can select lower sections for your social mentions, impressions, CTR and conversions it really comes down to personal preference and time allowance.
- Also please note the figures above are only a guide, I have just made this template to show potentially what the data could look like.
Overall this is just a guide and a few quick keyword examples to show areas you can incorporate into your keyword research, sure all clients and verticals are different so you need to switch up your methods for each new niche. You can also find various other methods in which you can incorporate into your keyword research, finally if you have any additional methods you would like to add please share them in the comments section below!

18 SEO Experts On How To Do SEO In 2012

SEO tips 2012
Google is moving fast and algorithms improve rapidly. It’s not easy keeping up with the latest in SEO, so I asked the top SEOs of our industry what we should do more of in 2012, and what we should stop doing. Enjoy these 2012 SEO tips!
This interview is now updated with a 2013 edition, check it out here.

The experts
  • Rand Fishkin (CEO, SEOmoz)
  • Dr. Peter J. Meyers (President of User Effect)
  • Will Critchlow (Founder, distilled)
  • Danny Dover (SEO Consultant and Author,
  • Bas van den Beld (Speaker, blogger and owner State of Search)
  • Ann Smarty (Owner at MyBlogGuest)
  • Jeremy Schoemaker (Shoemoney)
  • Aaron Wall (Founder, SEObook)
  • Neil Patel (Co-founder Crazy Egg and blogging at Quick Sprout)
  • Justin Briggs (SEO Manager at Big Fish Games and blogger)
  • Tom Critchlow (VP of Operations NYC, distilled)
  • Gianluca Fiorelli (SEO Consultant, ItaliaSEO and blogger)
  • Stephan Spencer (Author, SEO and Internet marketer, Stephan Spencer)
  • Marcus Tandler (Partner at Tandler.Doerje.Partner and blogger)
  • Dennis Goedegebuure (VP Internet Marketing at Geeknet and blogger)
  • Scott Polk (VP of Internet Marketing, ObsidianEdge Marketing)
  • Trond Lyngbø (SEO Strategist, Metronet and writer at Search Engine Land)
  • Russ Jones (CTO, Virante)

1. What Is Your Best SEO Tips For 2012?

Rand Fishkin
Move outside of classic, old-school SEO. If you’re sticking to keyword research and targeting with a dose of site accessibility and link building, you’re almost certainly going to lose out to someone who’s broadened to include content marketing, viral product incentives, email, social media, conversion rate optimization and branding as part of their online marketing efforts. The power of combining tactics and reaping the benefits of overlapping marketing practices is insanely awesome.
Dr. Peter J. Meyers
Consolidate, consolidate, consolidate. I think the big lesson of Panda is that more isn’t always better. More indexed pages cost Google money and often dilute your most important content. Canonicalize true duplicates, tame near-duplicates, and burn thin content to the ground. If you syndicate, make sure you bring something unique to the table, and if you’re a thin affiliate, fatten up.
Will Critchlow
More than ever, I believe code is the new content. I think we will see interactive data visualisations getting bundles of links and shares.
Danny Dover
SEO has grown beyond simply building links, writing comments and optimizing tags. It now involves the entire website experience. Don’t focus entirely on doing traditional SEO, instead diversify in other  marketing channels (e-mail, CRO, social, PPC). I think the winners will be the ones who excel at online education. I predict that industry will grow much bigger in 2012.
Bas van den Beld
1. Watch out for personalization and make your content shareable. Things are getting personal. Google is making Google+ the center of it all to make everything as personal as possible. This means that we will be seeing a lot more personal elements, for example in the SERPS. This means you should make your content as shareable as possible. Get people to share and they will spread it to their network. It will show up in their personalized SERPS.
2. Optimize your snippets. Google is putting a lot of emphasis on snippets. Optimize all your snippets, not just the meta description, but also the rel-author, the reviews, everything.
Ann Smarty
If your focus has always been content and quality, there will hardly be anything to change for you next year. Maybe you should try playing with some fresh content and thus tracking hot trends for that. But other than that, just keep on!
Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker
For 2012 I suggest that people should build websites that people want to link to.
Aaron Wall
Google continues to bias the algorithms toward brands. As Google promotes brands then in many cases you might find using one of those promoted platforms offers a higher ROI than building out sites from scratch. If you look in the SERPs across a wide selection of keywords you will see that many people are building business models based on being the eHow of Facebook or the eHow of Youtube. In addition to that low level sort of stuff, one can list their products for sale on sites like eBay, Amazon or Etsy.
Neil Patel
Stop building links too quickly. If you grow at too fast of a pace, you’ll find that it becomes really hard to achieve top rankings. In 2012, slow and steady will actually win the race. Don’t go after quantity, go after quality links.
Justin Briggs
I’d keep a look out for the growth of entity specific search algorithms, with a focus on building a brand, building out AgentRank/AuthorRank, and citations for “real world” items, such as specific products, locations, movies, songs, etc. I think increased brand detection, rel author, the social graph, and schema are early stages of this style of ranking algorithms. Search engines are moving beyond page and domain level algorithms and becoming increasingly sophisticated at understanding entities / objects.
Tom Critchlow
Focus on user engagement. I think marketers will get a lot more aware of user retention and loyalty and that Google will publicly discuss how they reward these metrics by measuring brand loyalty and search history. Whether it’s that exact metric or not, I think we’ll finally see a slight weakening of link-based metrics and more emphasis put on social/user metrics.
Gianluca Fiorelli
I would strongly suggest in implementing the rel=author and rel=publisher tags, hence using Google+.
In fact, I consider that the “author rank” is going to be one of the most important factors for Google in order to discriminate authoritative sites in the next months, as it will “identify” what authors and publishers sites are really popular both in the social and link graph.
It is my firm conviction that SEO and Social Media are going to merge in many aspects, and those rel are going to be tool Google will use (alongside others signals) to do that merge.
As a consequence, that means that sites will need to finally embrace what we call “Inbound Marketing”, spending less time with old classic tactics (which will still have their importance though, even if reduced IMO) and strategically planning a real content marketing plan, which will need to focus on the users needs, and without forgetting where their users spend time: on search (SEO) and social networks (SMO).
To conclude, my best tip is: SEOs, if you want to rank well in the years to come, you must become Inbounders; use data and code like SEO, communicate like Social Media Specialists and plan content as Content strategists.
Stephan Spencer
One important new area of focus is enhancing your Google listings via rich snippets. Focus in particular on marking up videos. Very few companies are taking advantage of this. I expect that Google will, over time, introduce additional types of rich snippets, in particular, ones that will help promote Google+. Think about such things as Google Hangouts and public Circles showing up as rich snippets in the search results.
Marcus Tandler
Become a Brand (or at least look like one…). Be Social (just don´t spam and annoy people). For any given term, Google doesn´t really want to rank those sites the best, which do the best SEO – Google wants to rank sites, which are the best result for the user – Be one of those sites, be the best result for the user for all the keywords you´re targeting!
Dennis Goedegebuure
Link & anchor text diversity. Any backlink profile of your site needs to be natural and diverse. This has already been important in 2011, but will be getting more important as algorithms become smarter. This includes having a natural follow vs no-follow ratio in backlinks.
Scott Polk
Concentrate on Social Signals that the search engines look at from trusted sources. The NSTIC is going to change things – Google and Bing will give more weight to signals from trusted sources … Google Plus/Profiles, etc.
Trond Lyngbø
All traffic is not equal. Small businesses realize this. Instead of targeting high volume keywords, they will focus more on local SEO strategies that not only attract customers into stores, but also ensure they’ll spend money. Conversion, and not just traffic, will be king.
SEO experts will help businesses discover ‘customer intent’ as they search the Web, to target long tail keywords that address customers’ needs, and do it while communicating their values and USP. They will measure ROI and long term profitability over visitor counts, or search rankings.
Paradoxically, this lowers expenses, since higher quality traffic means better conversion to sales, lesser competition, and reduced advertising costs.
A twist that further boosts local SEO effectiveness is ‘social optimization’. Location-based targeting that focuses on prospective customers where they already gather online, and communicates with them using the right tone and approach, gets explosively more powerful when combined with ‘social marketing’, where friends vote up a product through Facebook likes, or a friend’s ‘customer reviews’ show up on search engine results pages or social media platforms.
Those will be the ‘big wins’ in 2012 and beyond, I think. We’ll see this being the year when ‘search’ and ‘social’ meld together into a future of Social Search.
Russ Jones
Start using metrics to make decisions religiously. Half the battle is being efficient with your marketing dollars. You should know how valuable every link is that you attempt to acquire, how much closer it brings you to overcoming your competitor, and how much it costs relative to the potential traffic it will bring in.
Multi-site strategy. There is absolutely no reason all your eggs should be in the same basket. The only algo-update-proof SEO strategy for your site is to have more sites.

2. What SEO Techniques Should We Stop Using In 2012?

Rand Fishkin
Folks have talked a lot about Google’s webspam team negating the value of a lot of “article marketing” link sources. If I were a betting man, I’d say the next large-scale link spam devaluation algo they’ll launch will be in that realm (and thus, I’d avoid the practice). I did a whiteboard friday earlier this year noting that article marketing is mostly a scam, even though there are times when it can work. I expect to see those “working instances” drop even further.
Of course, that’s not to say that good practices in similar fields like guest blogging, white hat comment marketing and the like aren’t still great techniques.
Dr. Peter J. Meyers
Stop buying exact-match domains just to rank for long-tail keywords. One or two are fine, and domain keywords still matter, but Google is turning down the volume, and the days where you could register 100 domains and link them all to yourself are gone. You’re wasting time and money on a tactic that will eventually crash and burn.
Will Critchlow
I’ve noticed the web spam team using article marketing more and more as their go to example of low quality link building. I have to assume that means they are talking about it a lot in their meetings…
Danny Dover
I recommend you stop basing your day-to-day efforts on “change over time” metrics and start to move toward cohort (preferably tied to an event like sign ups) based metrics. That said, keep the “change over time” graphs for your boss, cohorts are confusing and “up and to the right” graphs are much simpler to showcase your work.
Bas van den Beld
Stop looking at things from your own perspective and start looking from a users perspective.
Ann Smarty
You should have stopped them long before 2012 but if you haven’t yet, here they are:
  • Wasting your time on directory submissions (there are just a couple of them still worth the time and the money, like BOTH and Directory Journal);
  • Wasting your time on article marketing (better try guest blogging instead);
  • Wasting your time on on-site optimization myths (like focusing on keyword density and trying to nofollow all your external links);
  • Wasting your time on trying to cheat rather than investing in quality and long-term approach!
Jeremy “Shoemoney” Schoemaker:
I suggest that people should stop building websites for search engines and start building websites for people.
Aaron Wall
Anything which has a high upfront cost structure without either building brand signals or offering immediate returns is suspect at this point. You not only have latent algorithmic risks from things like the Panda update, but also the fact that Google will scrape & re-purpose as much as they can to launch their own thin arbitrage sites (hotel finder, Google Advisor, product search, flight search, Google places, YouTube, etc.) and preferentially place those at or near the top of the search results.
Look at what Google has done in these verticals. Unless you are in a micro-niche that they view as a waste of time they will eventually try the same in your vertical.
In many cases the parasite will kill the host. Look how many of the yellow page companies have been through bankruptcy.
Neil Patel
SEOs should stop using article spinning and directory submission services. Sure you may see a bit of an increase in rankings, but it doesn’t really help that much. Instead you should focus on building high quality links.
Justin Briggs
From a search quality perspective, I’d tread more carefully with off-topic, inaccurate, and low quality infographics. It’s certainly on Google’s radar. I’m a big fan of infographics, but they’ve worked too well, which has lead to a lot sites and SEO shops just pumping out bad infographics. This will certainly cause a relevancy problem for Google (if it isn’t already), by ranking sites not on their quality, but on their ability to get a lot of infographic links. A number of lower quality affiliate sites and lead gen sites are able to acquire links from hundreds of domains by putting up an infographic on their domain. We’ve seen something similar with widgets back in 2008. I’m not critizing the technique, because I’ve used off-topic linkbait, but you have to be careful when balancing the link profile and creating something defensible.
Tom Critchlow
Article marketing. I doubt many people are still using it anyway but if you are I really think you should stop!
Gianluca Fiorelli
I don’t think SEOs should really stop using any old classic techniques in 2012, for the simple reason that they probably will work still. But surely, as I said before, SEOs should start to spend less time and energy with them. I am thinking especially of techniques like Article Marketing, that has been reduced in spinning articles in hundreds of article marketing sites, which mostly have been penalized by Panda (therefore does not drive that much traffic), and whose links are really bad quality once. Better to spend the time invested in article marketing in creating more quality content for your site and then promoting it with inbound marketing actions.
Stephan Spencer
Stop focusing on exact match keyword-rich domain names.
Marcus Tandler
Stay away from (exact match) keyword links – be glad about every link you´re getting, but don´t obsess about the anchor text.
Dennis Goedegebuure
Outing websites.
Scott Polk
Antiquated Link Building, Article Marketing, You really need to think about the future and plan strategies around where you think the search engines will be heading. It is time to stop chasing the dragon and be proactive.
Trond Lyngbø
Social signals synergizing with search is powerful because it builds trust. We rely more on word of mouth and a friend’s recommendation, over a faceless company’s marketing campaign.
But a disturbing trend is emerging, as companies and professionals endorse black-hat SEO tactics like selling Google+ likes, posting fake customer reviews, and building dozens of dodgy profiles across online communities in an attempt to cheat and lie their way to the top of search rankings. I don’t like how this evolves.
Attempting to “build trust” through lying is just wrong! It has got to stop. I’ve always advised against black hat SEO. As a consultant, it’s important for me to know how these tactics work, but I would never suggest thinking that you can outsmart Google. That could end up a disaster.
A better strategy would be to embrace SEOnomics, rooted in economical leverage of SEO through understanding the psychology of your prospects. That’s the kind that will pay off handsomely in the long run.
Russ Jones
Renting text links. Yes, they can still work, but there is hardly a single link out there that you can’t acquire on a permanent basis for less than 1 year’s pay. Yes, it will take more leg work, but at the end of the year you will have a great link profile that you don’t have to keep paying for every month.

What are your best SEO tips?!

What do you think will be more important in 2012, and what should we stop doing? Feel free to post your best SEO tips. Follow me on twitter, RSS and Google+ if you want more SEO tips in 2012. Happy New Year!
Updated: Added answers from Russ Jones.


When writing a blog post, one of the first things you should do is start with SEO in mind. Choose a topic for the post, then use the strategy above using the Google Instant Search Suggestion Tool, and come up with several bullet points to discuss. Start off by making a list of these bullet points. Then wrap them in header tags (usually h1 or h2), and put a paragraph of information below each one, and perhaps a picture of video.
This post is the perfect example of this process. Before starting this post I chose a topic (SEO for WordPress), and I outlined 10 strategies. I then broke them into 5 on-page seo tips, and 5 off-page seo tips. This allowed me to break this post into 2 guest posts rather than just one.
My first draft of this post was nothing more than a title, a graphic, and 5 bullet points. Then I previewed the post. From there I simply wrote a paragraph or two under each bullet point, and then previewed the posts again. Then I styled each bullet point with a h1 header tag to separate the points, and added a picture to a few of the paragraphs to give the post more value.
The reason this is an SEO strategy is because Google will see the post, and see your main header points, and will give them more value in the blog post. So if you use good keyword phrases that people are searching for, then you have a great chance of getting ranked well in Google. A good example of this strategy in action is this post here.

These first 5 on-page SEO tricks are just the beginning. Click the link below to read the second part of this article where we focus on the most important part of the process.


Okay, now this is one of the most common mistakes that bloggers make. They use the same title for their blog post when optimizing for search engines and when sharing in social media. In fact, most bloggers don’t realize that they can use two different titles. Here are two simple ways to make this happen.
Option #1 – Use an SEO WordPress plugin. There are many options out there, so I don’t really need to recommend any, but perhaps you could try Yoast SEO, or Platinum SEO Pack, or something similar. These plugins create a new field when creating blog posts where you can add an SEO title and description. This feature allows you to gve the official blog post title something creative that is more likely to get shared on Facebook and Twitter, but use the SEO plugin to create a different title that is better for Google search results.
For example, if you used my YouTube video embedding strategy above, you could use a title very similar to the actual YouTube video title (but not exactly), and then use an SEO-based title using the plugin. For instance, in my example above I could have made the blog post title: “Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Rap Battle“. And then using the SEO plugin I could have titled it “Apple vs. PC Rap Battle Parody Video – Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates on Epic Rap Battles of History!” As you can see it gives me the ability to make my post title shorter and straight to the point, and my seo title longer and more keyword rich. This was a basic example but I am sure you get the point.

Site Search Recent Posts Is It Possible to Optimize for Rewritten Queries? Update on SEO Theory Premium Newsletter Why the Manti Te’o Persona Scandal May Impact Online Marketing Changes to the SEO Theory Premium Newsletter How Many Pages Should A Site Have Indexed by Search Engines? Recent Comments Michael Martinez on Is It Possible to Optimize for Rewritten Queries? Ryan Boze on Is It Possible to Optimize for Rewritten Queries? Michael Martinez on Is It Possible to Optimize for Rewritten Queries? Mikko on Is It Possible to Optimize for Rewritten Queries? Catherine Gannon on How Many Pages Should A Site Have Indexed by Search Engines? Meta Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS Advanced SEO Practices for 2013

Advanced search engine optimization, as I (and others) have noted in the past, is a poorly defined topic. There are relatively few people who have the luxury of practicing advanced SEO on a daily basis. Search engine optimization is not like some multi-layer maze where after you defeat all the first and second-tier monsters you can finally advance to the third tier and face down the evil dark overlord.
In 2008 I wrote:

An advanced SEO (practitioner) is more interested in mastering the trends and less concerned with studying the day-to-day tasks associated with optimization. You know how to write good content, you know how to get links. Advanced SEO is not about link building and analytics, it’s about resource building and metrics.
After four years it seems like a lot of people have gotten the memo. Many practices I would have felt were advanced SEO four years ago are probably now intermediate tasks for today’s search optimizers.
Even link acquisition specialists are being asked to think both theoretically and strategically. It would be unfair and insulting to them to say that link acquisition is simple and easy. Sure, you can write a lot of great content and over time the links come pouring in but even the best writers among us eventually burn out or find themselves distracted from writing by other needs. The one flaw with acquiring links through content publication is that once you stop publishing the links drop off quickly.
So what qualifies as “advanced search optimization” in 2012? Here are a few suggestions. Your mileage may vary.

Brand Value Cultivation and Nourishment

I don’t want to say “brand building” because that just seems inadequate. Technically, I don’t think search engine optimization can really build a brand. I think SEO enhances brand value and leverages brand value to assist in growing search referral traffic. And there are secondary order effects of good search engine optimization for brand-quality Websites, but SEO does not create or build brand.
That said, I think Bryson Meunier shot so many holes in the “Google favors brands” myth at SMX West 2012 that anyone who wants to be taken seriously as an “advanced SEO” needs to rethink the whole “search and brand” story.
An advanced search optimization specialist — a so-called “Master SEO” — has to figure out how to make all the parts of the process work together as if the Website being promoted is a brand. That is, we have to “assume that brand value exists and act accordingly”. This just isn’t something that happens with the typical SEO campaign that starts out with keyword research, moves into link building, and assesses success on the basis of conversions.
In other words, an advanced SEO practice that focuses on brand strategy looks at different metrics. One simple example is tracking the number of brand queries and brand references to the Website in search and social. But I think the Master SEO is also going to think about how many partnerships the assumed brand value can be leveraged to assist, create, promote, or enhance. People want to work with brands so there should be some real opportunities for advanced search strategy in this area.
What would those opportunities look like? Think of mining search results data for extrapolative analysis. I’m not talking about developing consumer personas or profiles; rather, I’m talking about mining the data for opportunities to which only the brand can respond. That may call for creating new products and services, redesigning Websites, offering new types of content to searchers — in effect, leveraging the branded site’s intrinsic value to solve new problems — preferably before other branded sites offer their own solutions.

Event Analysis and Responsive Strategic Planning

Suppose you have five years’ worth of data for a Website. With that kind of information you have no excuses for missing seasonal variations in search referral traffic; with that kind of data you should be able to map out a product cycle lifespan for any executive-level presentation. So none of this is advanced search engine optimization. But what about using unexpected events to define completely new strategies and executing upon them?
This falls into that “always be looking six months ahead” part of the process I have written about in the past. The advanced SEO practitioner lives in the future more than in the moment. But you need to develop the ability to recognize pivotal moments and take advantage of them. Some people may be quick to point out that not everyone can do this, and that’s fair enough. However, I suspect that the people who are most successful at leveraging pivotal moments are aggressive risk-takers who are constantly looking for new things — not necessarily The Next Big Thing — but “new things”.
A pivotal moment might be the launch of a new product or service that for whatever reason doesn’t catch on for a year or two, but which nonetheless has enough going for it that it survives and thrives until it becomes popular. Think of learning about Twitter in July 2006. What could you have done if you had known then what you know now about Twitter, its community, and its evolution of capabilities? In retrospect I don’t think anyone really capitalized on Twitter for search engine optimization in 2006 and 2007 but I could be wrong. I don’t remember exactly when I first joined Twitter but I think it was in 2008 after I had seen a number of people talking about their use of the service for several months. I kept thinking, “What is the point of the service?”
I have, of course, had better luck with some other pivotal moments. I began using RSS feeds in 1998 when Netscape introduced them, for example. Most people didn’t hit the RSS feed circuit until 6-8 years later. I got a lot of SEO mileage out of those feeds. So an advanced SEO practice in 2012 is developing a strategy that most other people won’t replicate for at least a year (you have to keep your mouth shut for that to happen, of course — no sharing).

Passive Network and Social Mobilization

Essentially today’s Advanced SEO practitioner needs to be a little cold and distant. Everyone is your pawn and you are moving them across the chessboard on which you play out your unspoken strategy. You, yourself, are also a pawn in someone else’s game. We are all pawns playing in someone else’s game while we direct our own strategies for our games. Most people simply are not that complex and abstract. They remain focused in the moment.
An advanced SEO practitioner is constantly tinkering with stuff. Think of the guy who has all the power tools in his garage or workshop and he is constantly working on new projects. He walks into a store filled with all sorts of wild electronic gadgets and immediately starts playing with them, imagining how he can integrate them into his projects — summoning up images of NEW projects to work on. The advanced SEO practitioner is not only ready to adapt something new into a current project, he or she is ready to abandon everything and start something completely new — assuming there is a compelling reason to do so.
You have to be fearless, bold, and calculating in today’s advanced search engine optimization. We know that the SERPs won’t look the same in six months as they do today. So what are we going to do today that will help us be in the right place six months from now? That question may call for completely tearing down a Website, or maybe creating a new test site, or maybe just adding a widget to some random page. The answer to the question may come in the next cold call to ring at your desk.
You have to be a bit like Captain Jack Sparrow, looking like you’re fumbling around as you subtly maneuver everyone into position to execute your strategy so that you come out on top. And that leaves your competition asking, “Do you think he plans it all out in advance or just makes it up as he goes along?” It’s a little of both but the execution depends on knowing when to hold your cards and when to fold them.

Stress-testing the System in Safe Mode

The Searchable Web Ecosystem resets itself every now and then, and when that happens there is usually much weeping and gnashing of teeth. Again, this is an area where the advanced SEO practitioner needs to get his ducks in a row before everyone else figures out what is going on. You need to look for points of failure and figure out what you CAN do should the worst-case scenario befall your Website(s).
As an example, suppose you spent three years building links through blog networks. You should have seen this month’s Google crusade against blog networks coming at least a year ago and started preparing for the failure of thousands of links. Most link spammers don’t do that — the majority of them are always caught flat-footed by major search algorithmic events (even though history teaches us there are two to four such events each year). If you’re never creating Plan B strategies that smoothly fall into place when Plan A strategies fail you’re not doing advanced SEO in 2012 terms.
Your stress tests don’t have to predict the next SEO apocalypse. You should also be looking at what happens to a Website under the weight of its own success. How much growth can a typical Website’s design tolerate? My experience teaches me that all Website structures founder at some point. So what do you do after someone has added one page too many to the site? Being prepared for that eventuality is part of what it means to be an “advanced SEO practitioner”.

In Short, Be Innovative and Above All Else Don’t Panic

Advanced search optimization is really just all that stuff that most people lack the experience, time, and confidence to attempt which prepares you and yours for the next step in the evolution of the Searchable Web Ecosystem. You won’t always get it right but you WILL always get something. Advanced SEO is not about being right more often than anyone else. It’s about being ready to welcome the future with open arms and flexible Websites, because no matter what else happens in search, the future is always arriving at the most unexpected times.

0 Guest Post: Advanced SEO Tips to Improve Keyword Rankings

Search Engine Optimization is a significant way to measure and improve a webpage’s performance. By now, you are probably familiar with basic SEO techniques such as posting quality content, writing full-length articles, adding meta tags, title tags, etc. In reality, there are many different techniques that help users position their web pages ahead of other websites in search engines. During the initial stages of posting articles, quality and relevant content can draw traffic to one’s website; however, using advanced SEO techniques can help users drive traffic consistently for a long-lasting campaign. This article enumerates some of the advanced SEO tricks that would help bloggers to showcase their web pages to a broad spectrum of internet users.
Utilize Internal Linking
Providing internal links is one the easiest ways to rank higher in the search engines. In fact, internal
links help to popularize the other pages in your website which might have poor visibility through search
engines directly. Linking internally will also help you to list several links from your website in the search
pages, thereby increasing the chances for viewers to visit your contents. In addition, the use of anchor
tags in internal links boosts the search engine rankings as well.
Optimize Your Images
As images visually represent the content of a blog post, they too need proper keywords and tags. In fact,
about one-fifth of the daily users search for images related to their needs. You might have noticed the
name of certain images represented as image 1, image 2, DSC002, etc., which are the default names
assigned by the tools used to photograph them. Such default text should be renamed with words
relevant to your content. Only then, these images will be listed in the top pages of the search engines
when users search with keywords related to the content in your webpage.
Another common mistake that most bloggers commit is the use of blank spaces while naming their
images. A blank space in an image will be displayed as “%20″ which looks awkward, especially in the
address bar. Instead, use special characters like hyphens or plus signs for keyword spacing. If you are using
blogger to post your content, add ‘alt’ and ‘title’ attributes to the image tag through its HTML source
Translate Feature
If you think that majority of the internet users make their searches in the international language, then
you are wrong. In fact, certain sources predict that more than 60 percent of the total users perform
their searches using languages other than English. Translating your content to other languages will open
up your web pages to a broad spectrum of visitors, not to mention there is less competition in foreign
search engines when compared to the conventional ones, thereby making it easier for your webpage to
climb higher in the search list.
Optimize keyword phrases
If you are familiar with the basics of SEO techniques, you should know the significance of keywords and where to include them on your site and in content. However, keyword phrases are mutually important as well.
The use of generalized keywords would drive a lot of traffic; but, as several blogs and web pages use
similar keywords, chances for your page to rise amidst the others are less likely. That’s when keyword
phrases help users to boost their content’s visibility and proceed forward in the ranking system as well.
Most content creators target users who make their searches with one or two words. But, you would be
much more successful if you target users who type 3 to 4 words to make their searches that are very
specific to their needs.
Utilize Free Resources
There are several analyzing programs available over the internet. In fact, some of the best tools are
available for free. To mention a few, Google Analytics & GoogSpy are some of the dedicated online services that collects information
about the popular keywords which are used in a popular search engine. Typing the words related
to a website would bring a list of keywords that the particular website bids on. In fact, users can get
information about the best keywords and keyword phrases that have high conversion rates. There are
several other free applications that would help you learn the practical keywords in use.
Examine Log Files
A casual glance at your server’s log files could provide you useful information about the keywords that are being used to find your website through search engines. If you find unfamiliar keywords in these files, optimizing them in your website will boost traffic further. This process should be done periodically to increase traffic consistently.
The above tips have the potential to help you boost your webpage’s ranking and traffic in search engines. However, don’t expect changes to happen overnight. Keep an eye out for potential areas to optimize your website and improve accordingly. After all, learning and implementing SEO techniques requires time and dedication for successful results.

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