Sunday 3 February 2013


Okay, now this is one of the most common mistakes that bloggers make. They use the same title for their blog post when optimizing for search engines and when sharing in social media. In fact, most bloggers don’t realize that they can use two different titles. Here are two simple ways to make this happen.
Option #1 – Use an SEO WordPress plugin. There are many options out there, so I don’t really need to recommend any, but perhaps you could try Yoast SEO, or Platinum SEO Pack, or something similar. These plugins create a new field when creating blog posts where you can add an SEO title and description. This feature allows you to gve the official blog post title something creative that is more likely to get shared on Facebook and Twitter, but use the SEO plugin to create a different title that is better for Google search results.
For example, if you used my YouTube video embedding strategy above, you could use a title very similar to the actual YouTube video title (but not exactly), and then use an SEO-based title using the plugin. For instance, in my example above I could have made the blog post title: “Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates Rap Battle“. And then using the SEO plugin I could have titled it “Apple vs. PC Rap Battle Parody Video – Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates on Epic Rap Battles of History!” As you can see it gives me the ability to make my post title shorter and straight to the point, and my seo title longer and more keyword rich. This was a basic example but I am sure you get the point.


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